Sunday, October 18, 2015

Reflection of Project 2 Draft

In this post I will be reflecting on the first draft I wrote for project 2.

I peer edited Allison's and Aaron's drafts.

Gosselin, Bret. "Peer Edit Picture". 7/13/11 via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

  • I definitely have an identifiable thesis, and I don't think I'll be needing to change it at all because it addresses everything that is discussed in my essay.
  • I organized my essay by the rhetorical strategies I was analyzing. It made transitions really easy and it made the most sense in my head to do it that way. Each paragraph has a main idea and evidence.
  • No, honestly I didn't identify the five elements of the rhetorical situation but I didn't think that was necessary because I'm not discussing all elements in my essay.
  • I think I did a pretty good job explaining the how and why aspects of the rhetorical strategies the author of my article used. And yes I did also explain the effects that it would have on the specific audience he wrote for.
  • I'd like to think I'm using evidence but I definitely think I could add more in my paragraphs. I have some points where the evidence is solid but other points it's not really there so I should be fixing that.
  • I honestly have no idea if I'm leaving my readers wanting more...I tried to make my conclusion in a way where they'd think about what they just read in a more meaningful way. However, I don't think they are wanting more. The "so what" question was addressed fully in the conclusion but I will look over it again to make sure I didn't leave any key points out.

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