Thursday, October 22, 2015

Punctuation, Part 2

In this blog post, I will be discussing 3 more things on punctuation I read about in Rules For Writers.

"Quotes". 4/1/07 via Wikipedia. Public Domain License.

  1. End punctuation: Sometimes it gets confusing when you have to use periods as abbreviations for some words like 'etc.' so I decided to read about it. I learned that it doesn't really matter if you have to use that in the middle of a sentence because it's still grammatically correct. 
  2. The apostrophe: I learned when reading this that it isn't necessary to use apostrophes when you're talking about a span of years or something, like 'the 1800s'. I always used to put an apostrophe between the 0 and the s. I also learned the proper way to use an apostrophe with plural nouns. An example of this from my draft is: "It makes him not only come across as respectful of others’ opinions and therefore very professional..."
  3. The comma: I'm always worried that I use commas very unnecessarily so I decided to read this section. I learned that you can't use commas between a verb and a noun, so I'll have to watch out for that so I don't make that mistake. An example of using commas from my draft is: "Just to the right of the article at the top of the website it came from, there is a short bio along with links to his twitter, facebook, and youtube pages to name a few."

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