Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Draft of Rhetorical Analysis

In this blog post, I will be presenting a draft of my rhetorical analysis essay and addressing my peers in what  I feel they need to know when it comes to peer editing.

"Confused". 1/24/09 via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

Here is my (very) rough draft of my rhetorical analysis of "More Views on the Gas Rush and Hydraulic Fracking". I'm totally not sure if what I'm doing is the right thing but I feel like I put a lot of work into it. Be as harsh as you'd like when editing because I need all of the help I could get. I didn't include in-text citations yet because I'm not exactly sure where to put them as I'm mainly citing the article I'm analyzing. Feedback on the body and conclusion would be much appreciated as well as the overall organization of the essay. Thanks!

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