Saturday, October 31, 2015

Considering Types

In this blog post, I will be deciding what type of argument I will be implementing in project 3.

"The Argument". 2011 via Sketchport. CC Attribution 4.0 License.

I plan on using evaluative and causal arguments in project 3.  The main purpose is to present my argument and trigger some sort of responsive action in my audience so I feel like telling them why some policies aren't working (evaluative) will be affective. Getting down to the cause of this issue will also help me lead into what I think and feel about it. I can't use a proposal argument because I don't have a solution to offer to fix the problem. Refutation wouldn't work for me either because my main goal is not to prove others wrong, but to say what I feel about it. I will not be "devoted almost entirely to refuting an idea" as a refutation argument is described to do.

For rhetorical action plans, I read Stef's blog post and she seems to know exactly what to do for project 3. I commend her for that. We both are using visuals to help our argument as well as logos. I also read Grace's blog post. These both helped me to reflect on what I put in my plan and a lot of our stuff is similar although we have different topics.
For "Considering Types", I read Hunter's blog post as well as Joy's. They aren't going to be using the same arguments as me, so it was interesting to read about how they reasoned through which would work best for their specific argument.


  1. I feel this. For my argument, only one type made sense. I liked hoow sure of yourself and your argument you are!

  2. I would be careful of trying to take on two different types of arguments. It may work for your paper, but you want to make sure you aren't taking on too much. Your ability to provide deep insight on one certain aspect (causes, pros, etc.) will be more effective than trying to cover multiple aspects. However, after reading your plan, I agree that both of these types fit your argument very well.
