Sunday, October 11, 2015

Practicing Summary and Paraphrase

In this blog post, I will be using a quote from the text I am analyzing and paraphrasing it as well as summarizing it to practice those skills. 

Original Source
"The thing that raises my hackles is the industry’s blunt attempts to shirk accountability for any of this — (“Truthland” [link] being the latest example). Accordingly, I favor aggressive reporting on industry’s persistent and successful insistence on exemptions from disclosure requirements – notably the Safe Drinking Water Act and state and federal hazardous waste laws. These exceptions serve as cover for the notion that drilling and fracking are blameless for methane migration or any other problems."

"Thinking". 8/30/08 via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

My Paraphrase of Original Source
Revkin agrees strongly with Tom Wilber, the author of "Under the Surface" (on the gas rush in New York and Pennsylvania), who is in favor of the benefits fracking has. However, he strongly disagrees with the regulation-or lack of-on what these companies can and cannot do. Responsibility for damages must be taken, and that isn't happening right now.

My Summary of Original Source
One point of view presented was the strong objection to how companies responsible for using hydraulic fracking are not being held responsible for the damages their actions have caused.

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