Thursday, October 22, 2015

Narrowing My Focus

In this blog post, I will identify a few questions I would like to focus on for project 3.

"Postage stamp viewed through magnifying glass". 3/24/08 via Wikipedia. Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

1. How has the media played a role in the controversy?

I think this question opens up a lot of doors for me and will allow me to bring a different opinion to the table which is the whole purpose of project 3.

2. What cultural movements were surrounding the time this became a controversy?

This question is really interesting to me and I like it. Culture and society have a huge effect on how we perceive things which could explain why hydrofracking is the controversy that it is today.

3. Are there groups of people protesting or advocating the continuation of hydraulic fracking? Who is in these groups?

I also really like this questions. Looking into how other people are reacting could also help me develop my own take on everything that's going on with this issue. I think it'll enable me to incorporate multiple different stances into my own personal stance.

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