Friday, October 2, 2015

Analyzing My Own Assumptions

In this blog post, I will be answering the questions from Writing Public Lives titled "Analyzing the Text's Relationship to Our Own Cultural Assumptions".

"The Thinker". 01/02/07 via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

1. Since the text was written from an American society and culture, I share a lot of the beliefs and values some are supporting in their arguments. Family values, civil rights, government regulation, environmental safety, etc. are all huge parts of this country and it what makes us unique. They have endured for over 200 years so I don't see how they'd be stopping any time soon.

2. I personally don't agree with the author as he doesn't seem as concerned with the environment as he should be. This process could have a serious long term affect on the Earth and that should be important to everyone, not just the people who live in these areas it's happening in.

3. This was written in America and is happening right now all over the country. It started in the 1980s, so the only thing that seems to have developed is the value of our environment which more and more people are being educated on since then.

After reading Bailey's and Olivia's posts, I realized a few things. One of them being truth is a very important thing when it comes to controversy, and it's important for people to be aware of the truth. Often times all the arguing strays away from what's most important and that is the truth. The truth about the effects of whatever is causing the controversy.


  1. I like how you had really strong opinions concerning your text as some people don't seem to have as strong of an opinion about theirs. and I also agree that the value for the environment and the need to protect it has increased as time has gone on.

  2. We both have strong opinions about our texts. Although this is good because it means that we care about the issues involved, it could be challenging to analyze them objectively.

  3. I also had a strong opinion about my text. I think it's so important to be able to connect with what you are working with but still be able to see it objectively.
