Sunday, October 25, 2015

Audience and Genre

In this blog post, I will be identifying some of my possible targeted audience for project 3.

1. Young, passionate environmentalists living anywhere in the world would definitely be a group of people that would be interested in what I have to say for this assignment. As environmentalists, they value obviously going green and protecting the environment. Hydrofracking poses a threat to the environment, so that's why they'd be part of my audience. I could publish my information in a scientific magazine/journal like Nature. Examples can be found here.

"Theater Audience". 9/28/10 via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

2. People living in areas affected by fracking-specifically New York, rural Pennsylvania, and Colorado-are also part of the targeted audience for project 3. Because they are living in the areas where fracking is taking place, and they have personally experienced it, of course they'd be wanting to know more about it. Because these are essentially your average everyday citizens, this could be published virtually anywhere but social media would be good as almost everyone uses some form of it. Common websites like Huffington Post would also be an appropriate place to publish this.

1 comment:

  1. We just needed a few more examples of specific kinds of public arguments for these genres and platforms...
