Friday, September 11, 2015

Cluster of My Controversy

Below is a cluster of my controversy so to speak. Main ideas and questions raised regarding the controversy of genetic engineering in humans are recognized.

Potkonjak, Jovanka. "Genetic Engineering in Humans". 9/11/15 via Coggle.

Popular sources about this topic are mentioned as well as main issues people have with it.
No specific people are involved, but rather groups of people and companies. Many people are uninformed which is why scientists get a lot of hate for this new technology quickly approaching us.

After reading and looking over Michaela's and Carrie Belle's blog posts, I realized theirs were both very organized and not too wordy. They were fairly easy to read and now looking at mine, I wonder whether mine is too hard to read or not. I think I made mine a little bit too heavy with words and bunched together...I hope it's not too bad.

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