Monday, September 7, 2015

Annotated Bibliography

The past 3 of my blog posts have all been analyzing different sources about this controversy in my field of study. Here's an annotated bibliography, in MLA format, of the six sources I focused on.

Azar, Sevda; Fazli, Maryam; Firoozian, Alireza; Helali, Farshid; Nami, Elmira; Zadeh, Neda. "Analysis of Ethical Challenges of Human Cloning and Investigation of Different Kinds of People Points of View on Genetic Science." European Journal of Experiemental Biology. 2014. Web. 3 Sept 2015.

This article was written to discuss the ethics of human genetic engineering and different people's views on it. It seemed to be written for people that have taken interest in this topic and for those studying this. People from around the world of different backgrounds, ages, and genders were interviewed and asked questions about whether or not they thought human genetic engineering was ethical. The findings were pretty small, leading to the conclusion that not many people know enough about this to make an educated opinion on it. I plan on using this article to prove that people need to be educated in these new processes coming quickly because they affect all of us.

Cooper-White, Macrina. "Scientists Genetically Modify Human Embryos For First Time. Are We Facing A New Era Of Eugenics?" Huffington Post. 24 April 2015. Web. 8 Sept 2015.

This article was basically an easier way to sum up the situation Chinese scientists started in March of this year; it was for the general public and easy to read. The basic idea of genetic engineering in human embryos was discussed and the conclusion came to be that there's nothing to freak out about, because we are a "long way from designer babies".

Cyranoski, David. "Ethics of embryo editing divides scientists." Nature. 18 March 2015. Web. 2 Sept 2015.

This article was written to inform us of the different opinions engineers and doctors have about human genetic engineering. It was taken from Nature, a popular scientific journal so it was written for the readers. There was no specific experiment or method used, it was mainly just to inform and spark conversation. I plan on using the article to explore different educated opinions on the controversy.

FHE Team. "Designer Babies." The Future of Human Evolution. 2015. Web. 3 Sept 2015.
This was written to inform people of the effect human genetic engineering has on the actual babies after they are modified. I believe it is for the future generations to come, as the authors mainly discussed the idea of having a 'designer baby'. There was no specific method used in this article, but I plan on using this to educate myself on the effects on the babies, because I'm honestly not that aware of them.

Mameli, M. "Reproductive Cloning, Genetic Engineering, and the Autonomy of the Child: The Moral Agent and the Open Future." Journal of Medical Ethics. Feb 2007. Print. 3 Sept 2015.

This source was created to use scholarly sources as evidence to the idea of human cloning and engineering and explore ethical issues that go along with that. It was definitely written for those who aren't very educated in this topic as it is mainly meant to inform. I plan on using this article and the facts in them as research to help myself know more about the field that I wish to go into.

Pray, Leslie A. "Embryo Screening and the Ethics of Human Genetic Engineering." Nature. 2008. Web. 4 Sept 2015.

This article mainly focused on the ethical issues surrounding human genetic engineering, rather than the facts about what it can do. It was written for Nature readers and anyone else interested in this area. Major findings and observations would just be the 2 ends of the spectrum people fall on; is this ethical or is this going against nature? I plan on using this source to learn more about what people think about genetic engineering in humans.

Sample, Ian. "Scientists Genetically Modify Human Embryos In Controversial World First." The Guardian. 23 April 2015. Web. 2 Sept 2015.

This article was written to inform its readers on the very recent modification of human embryos in China, which is interesting because it is such a traditional place so it was even more controversial than it already is. It was written for people interested in human genetic engineering. The major observations and findings are just that scientists and engineers came to China to start on this project to genetically 'fix' human embryos in hopes that it will cure disease or solve other problems. I plan on using this source to know more about current events in this topic.

Smith, Wesley J. "The Arrival Of Human Cloning." The Weekly Standard. 27 May 2013. Web. 9 Sept 2015.

This article was written when the idea of human cloning first emerged two years ago, and it was even more controversial then. It was written for the public in general, as it discussed not only the act of human cloning but the legal issues and politics that could come up in the future because of it. Major observations were mainly that it is extremely controversial to edit the human genome and even clone someone.

Stein, Rob. "Scientists Urge Temporary Moratorium On Human Genome Edits." National Publc Radio. 20 March 2015. Web. 9 Sept 2015.

This article was written to spark conversation and inform readers/listeners about human genome editing and why it brings up all these ethical issues. Major points and conclusions were that although it excites many scientists about what they are able to do and diseases they could be able to cure, it makes others nervous because editing the human genome is not socially ethical. I plan on using this to learn more about the controversy.

I happened to look at two of the same citation styles, CSE, which are obviously not MLA so they definitely looked different than mine. It was funny because Austin's bibliography had one of the same 'designer babies' site that I had looked at, but I didn't use it in my bibliography. I did get a little worried when I saw that his wasn't in MLA like mine, but engineering has many different citation styles you can choose from. Bailey's bibliography was very thorough and I liked how she got straight to the point in her annotations; it was easy to read so maybe I should take a few tips from her!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jovanka! It was a little bit confusing that the link directed to a website where you had to click another link to find out more about the bibliography. I think you did a good job of using the MLA format, and followed it closely.
