Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Project 3 Outline

In this blog post, I will be creating an outline for project 3 using the book as guidelines.

I will be connecting the issue at hand to my audience's world view. I'm going to be arguing that hydraulic fracturing would not be such an issue if fossil fuels-like the natural gas that they're drilling for-weren't in as high of demand. They wouldn't be in this high of a demand if every single person in the world only used the amount of energy/power they needed. I will continue on to encourage my audience to advocate saving energy and 'going green' thoughtfully and carefully because once we run out of fossil fuels, they can't come back or be renewed.

"Light Bulb, Idea, Concepts". via Pixabay. Public Domain License.


Major Supporting Arguments

  • reasons for hydrofracking 
  • demand for renewable vs. nonrenewable energy sources 
  • applications of nonrenewable energy sources
  • statistics on how much energy is wasted/not used efficiently
Major Criticisms
  • How will these companies stay afloat and make money without this?
  • people should use alternate energy sources for day to day things
  • people who don't care about the environment
Key Support Points
Rebuttal Points
  • Solar and wind energy as alternative for those who are against the use of fossil fuels by hydrofracking
  • Many could say that what sort of energy you use is a personal choice and based on what you personally believe. In other words, the type of energy you use only effects you but I need to prove why this is not true, so I'll talk about how every household contributes to the energy crisis we are having today. We are kind of all in it together; if we are still so dependent on fossil fuels and they run out in time, they'll run out for all of us.
  • Many could say that we don't need to worry about this issue now because fossil fuels won't run out in the next 20 years. I need to bring up our future generations and how our actions right now affect the entire world and the future of it.
Topic Sentences for Key Support Points
  • Our perception of how much energy we are using is quite different from how much we are actually using, and beyond that the efficiency of the energy we do use is only at about 60%. This means that 40% of a large amount of energy in every single household is being wasted.
  • Nonrenewable energy sources, like the fossil fuels that are dug up through hydraulic fracturing, are being used for virtually every main component of our lives: transportation, businesses, heating and cooling systems, and more.
  • Hydraulic fracturing puts the lives of people living in the areas it is happening in danger for natural gas and has become more popular because the demand for it is so high. 
Topic Sentences for Rebuttal Points
  • Although many people believe that solar and wind energy are reasonable alternatives for fossil fuels, the processes in how to capture a significant amount of this kind of energy have not been perfected yet, so in the meantime we need to do something about the problem at hand now.
  • I'm sure a lot of people think that one person or family won't make much difference if they change how they use energy, but they are wrong.
  • The energy crisis needs to be confronted and resolved for the sake of the future, and sometimes it's hard for us to think longterm but if we go at the rate we are at right now, our grandchildren will definitely not have as bright a world as we do now.
Evidence was included in the form of hyperlinks in the key support and rebuttal points sections.

For my conclusion, I will be calling my audience to take action and change how they use energy in their residence and businesses. The whole purpose of this was to get people to do something about the crisis at hand and then stop the high demand for fossil fuels through hydraulic fracturing.

Follow this link to view my cluster map.

I read Hunter's and Olivia's outlines and they were helpful because they were both really strong outlines so I could compare it to see how strong mine was afterwards. I liked how we had to make cluster maps because it provided a better visual and was easier to read.

1 comment:

  1. I think you've outlined your overall argueuemnt well but if you're connecting your view to the your audience's view maybe you should say what the benefits for them personally will be if they choose to use renewable energy because , unfortunately , people don't care about things unless it directly benefits them. so the question to answer would be how will using renewable energy affect my life , right now? What will change?
