Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Reflecting More On My Writing Process

In this blog post, I will be answering questions in order to reflect on my writing process even further.

"Golden Retriever Puppies". 12/26/09 via Flickr. CC Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

  1. Towards the beginning of the semester, I really just struggled getting the motivation to do all of the blog posts; at times they felt really tedious and unnecessary. Making the first draft of the projects was also hard because I actually had to put all of my brainstorming in the blog posts to use.
  2. I learned that I can actually manage my time better than I ever have before and that my writing skills always have room for improvement and I feel like they definitely have improved this semester.
  3. Genre refers to the style of writing to use (tone, sentence structure, etc.) as well as keeping in mind the audience and purpose of the piece being written. Understanding what a genre is will help you better communicate with your specific audience which is what essentially makes your writing leave an impact on people.
  4. Because I'm an engineering major, writing isn't going to be a huge part of my major. However, the writing skills I developed will help when writing up reports as well as researching topics.
  5. My most effective writing moment was when I was revising my final draft for project 2. I was just really focused and I ended up doing really good on it so that made me happy:)
  6. My least effective moment was the entire week of deadline 2 because I barely did any of the work in a timely fashion and I also didn't follow the conventions of blogging so I got bad grades on those.

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