Monday, August 31, 2015

My Field of Study

So...what exactly do engineers do? Well isn't that the million dollar question. There are so many different ways you could answer this question. Here's a little bit of info about my field of study.

1. My field of study, engineering, is a pretty diverse field to go into. But no matter what, chemistry, physics, math, bio (and many, many more) are drilled into engineering students' heads. They study more of something depending on what engineering they plan on going into.

NASA. "NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center". 6/27/12 via Flickr. Creative Commons License.

Who made all of the Apollo projects, airplanes, and missiles? Aerospace engineers
Nuclear power plants? Nuclear engineers
Roads, bridges, dams, and airports? Civil engineers
iPhones, Androids, Macs, and PCs? electrical, electronics, and computer engineers

Not many people know exactly how much engineers do until they actually read about it.

2. I mentioned above what some engineers go on to do. I forgot a couple good ones though. Biomedical engineers go on to assist and design artificial organs. The gas you pump in your car was extracted from oil reservoirs by petroleum engineers. And I definitely owe my life to electrical engineers for developing GPS.

3. If you couldn't already tell, engineers do the impossible which is exactly what drew me to engineering. My high school AP Chemistry teacher was also a huge help with that too. If she wasn't as amazing of a teacher as she is, I can't say I wouldn't have dropped that class at second semester. I finally became passionate about something and then once I learned all that could be done by getting an engineering degree, I had to at least try.

4. Engineering is all about team work and solving problems by putting your thoughts together to think of the best solution. So big individual names aren't really a thing in my field of study, but rather big companies. Apple, NASA, Microsoft, Google, and Boeing are huge names in engineering, mainly because they do huge things. If you haven't heard of at least 4 of these, I may be questioning what planet you live on.

5. The top 3 journals in engineering currently are Nature Materials which is published in England. Nano Letters is published by the American Chemical Society in Washington, DC. Advanced Materials is published in Germany.

I always love hearing people talk about what they're passionate about; we are all so different! I could relate to Grace's post because she also likes math and science (but just not as much as me). Nursing is very important along with politics which I read about in Gabee's post. I couldn't really relate to her passions because I am not the smartest person when it comes to discussing politics, but I wish I could be better at it so props to Gabee. They sound like me talking about engineering so I really think that we are all in the right fields currently. Hopefully everything goes well.


  1. I had no idea how much engineers did or even what they could go into as a field after college. I think that you sound very passionate about your field of study and it is interesting to read about. I definitely love chemistry but I could never go into a field of study like engineering that is so science and math heavy, which I give major props to you for.

  2. Engineering has always been fascinating to me because of how vast it is. I've always been interested in it as it is very similar to computer science.If computer science doesn't work out I might always consider engineering as an option!

  3. I honestly have so much admiration for you and your passion for your major. I honestly am so teriible at math and I can't even imagine spending the rest of my life doing it. I think it's so cool that you're going into a field that not too long ago was very male dominated. I wish you all the best :)

  4. It is not common for me to hear about girl engineers! I love how you wanted to become an engineer after going through a struggle with a science course and then after understanding it, you were able to open a new door for yourself. Similarly, I had a struggle with my weight when I was younger. After understanding the reason behind my surplus weight, I also made this my passion. It gives me some relief that someone else besides myself once struggled in the area they are studying. We both have a lot of science to study in college. However, I think we will both be very successful. We are both young women who struggled, but picked ourselves up. Once we picked ourselves up, we strived to do something with our gained knowledge. I find this unique compared to other students because many people our age still have no idea what they are doing with their lives. It seems as if we have it all put together :)
